The impact of learners participating in environmental protection clubs and engaging in school cleaning initiatives extends beyond the mere physical transformation of spaces. The implementation of the MESH project in five targeted schools (Chainda Primary, Old Kabanana Primary, New N’gombe Primary, Chazanga Combined Primary and Chainda Open) has empowered these young environmentalists to foster a sense of responsibility, awareness, and empowerment among their peers. Their active involvement in cleaning initiatives is not only resulting in cleaner and greener schools but is also cultivating a generation of environmentally conscious individuals who will continue to protect and preserve the planet in the years to come.
In addition to the visible transformation, this exercise has led to a notable improvement in hygiene levels within the schools. Learners in all classes received education on proper waste disposal and separation practices, contributing to a green and clean environment that every learner should experience. The initiative is not only enhancing the physical surroundings but also instilling valuable lessons about environmental stewardship and sustainable practices in the minds of the participating learners.